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Property Investing With Australia's No.1

Hear Kevin Young’s view of the world at large and how it impacts property investors.

Ask Kevin Young Episode 60 - City vs Country


In today’s episode I answer Martin’s question about his two properties in QLD. One is in Manly, and the other is at Beaconsfield. Manly is in a great location where it is seeing good growth because of being close to Brisbane City. His problem is with Beaconsfield and its location.

Its value isn’t increasing. What’s the problem? Well, Beaconsfield is a regional mining town, and as I explain in the video, these areas aren’t a great area for investing. The demand for coal isn’t as popular as it once was.

For this reason and others, I always try and stay away from regional towns, but in my opinion the property is still worth holding on to. There will still be growth but it will take longer to see the results.


Kevin Young